Day 113

I have pondered what my intentions are for the year. I have thought about opening up my planner for 2018 to get stuck into how I want my year to look. Instead my heart is saying slow down. There is no rush. Let yourself ease into this year with grace. You can plan all you want and set your core desired feelings. The truth is you know that your intuition will guide you this year. You know your soul will lead you in the right direction. It is just about tapping into your souls voice so that it can speak clearly and you can hear it. I know you want another child. I know Hamish’s siblings will come when they are ready.

Go with the flow. Listen to your heart. Live with intention but don’t get stuck trying to control everything. Be fearless in the pursuit of your souls purpose. Open your heart space each day with meditation and presence. Live from your heart. Show yourself the love you deserve by setting the boundaries you need to. Let go of things that don’t serve you this year. Be confident that sending some things away this year will open up space for more important work to be created. Know that you have something special to be shared. We all do. We all have the inner gifts. It is our choice what we do with them. I will choose this year to share mine. To live in Hamish’s honour by being of service to others and myself.

I’m done sitting on the sidelines as a spectator. I am done waiting for the perfect timing. I am done contemplating and thinking. If not now then when? How can I manifest the life of my dreams if I am sitting here in inertia. I need to act. I will promise to keep showing up through my coaching, writing and workshops this year. There will be times where I will feel afraid. I know that I am heading in the right direction when the future is a little scary. I cant step out of my comfort zone without this fear of failure. It is always going to be there. I guess that will be my challenge this year to really embrace that sick feeling of ‘oh crap am I really doing this’.

Hamish keep guiding your Mummy to step up

Author: Jodie Matthews

I am a mother, writer, mindful life coach, minimalist and many other things. I love mother nature. I am happiest when I am floating in the ocean. I am a keen traveller and love to explore and discover new places. You can connect with me further on instagram at @jodieleannematthews

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