Lucy is here!


Our precious baby girl Lucy Jessie Matthews was born at 1:42pm on the 6th of February 2019. We are over the moon and are so excited to now be a family of four. It feels like another part of my heart is now living outside of itself! The last five weeks we have been in the love bubble. The labour was so quick and straightforward which is just what we needed. I was induced at 38 weeks plus 2 days. After pushing for ten minutes our Lucy was born. There was a few hours of intense contractions before that but I couldn’t have asked for a better labour. Lucy came into the world screaming loudly. Welcoming her into my arms onto my chest was one of the most precious moments of my life so far. I cried with Greg as we cuddled our little bundle of joy. It was a collective sigh of relief. It was if we held our breath for nine months and waited for this moment before we could feel this joy. Before we could actually allow ourselves to feel the happiness that Lucy was bringing into our lives. Hamish was there in the labour room. I could feel his presence and every time it got hard during the pregnancy or labour I would call on him to support us from above. My intuition told me we would be taking Lucy home and she would be healthy. There were still some days though when the fear would creep in. I feel so blessed and I am soaking up every moment.

Hamish, our love for you grows stronger each day. You would be 18 months old now. Instead you live in our hearts and there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t think of you. Thank you for always protecting us. Your sister is going to grow up knowing she has a special guardian angel. 

Author: Jodie Matthews

I am a mother, writer, mindful life coach, minimalist and many other things. I love mother nature. I am happiest when I am floating in the ocean. I am a keen traveller and love to explore and discover new places. You can connect with me further on instagram at @jodieleannematthews

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